The PLATIRUS project is organizing an Online Exploitation Workshop on 21 April. The event will bring together stakeholders from across the Europe who are interested in the topic of the recovery of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) from a wide variety of waste resources such as spent autocatalysts, slags, tailings, and waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).
Since 2016, the PLATIRUS consortium has been researching and working to develop 11 novel technologies along with the leaching, separation and recovery processes of PGMs from different waste streams. These circular technologies are characterized by their efficiency, high selectivity, environmentally friendly concept, flexibility to recover other valuable metals and last but not least their low CAPEX and OPEX.
Objectives of the workshop:
During the PLATIRUS Exploitation Workshop, the project consortium will share with the stakeholders essential information about the developed technologies and achieved results. Thus, it will elaborate potential exploitation routes for the recovery of PGMs and potentially other valuable metals from waste. The workshop will present:
- The main concept, benefits and results achieved by the PLATIRUS novel technologies,
- The final PLATIRUS recycling flowsheet based on 3 selected technologies as most promising ones for industrial validation at TRL5,
- The results of the recovered PGMs when used in new autocatalysts
- The Life-cycle-assessment (LCA) and Life-cycle-costing (LCC) results related to the 3 selected most promising technologies.
In addition, the workshop will also give presentations from the automotive and refining sectors who are interested in the PGMs recovery topic. Moreover, EC representative will also provide an exclusive overview about the EU vision on supporting critical raw materials related activities in Horizon Europe programme.
If you are interested in the PGM topic and PLATIRUS novel technologies, please register for the workshop on 21 April 2021. The event will start at 09:30 AM CET (Brussels time): Registration link.
For more detailed information about this exploitation workshop, topic presentations and list of speakers please see the agenda below: