Platirus Partners M24 meeting

M24 meeting is organised for PLATRUS partners on the 30th and 31st Oct 2018 by Technische Universität Wien in Vienna, Austria

AGENDA and discussion points can be seen below:


Welcome Amal,
Agenda of the meeting Amal
Selected process – Reminder Amal
WP2 – Material delivery summary MONOLITHOS
WP3 Leaching – VITO process (40 mins – detail explanation of the process and 20 mins – discussion) VITO
WP4 Separation – KUL process (40 mins – detail explanation of the process and 20 mins – discussion) KUL
WP5 Recovery – VITO process (30 mins – detail explanation of the process and 15 mins – discussion) VITO
WP7 Process selection/LCA (40 mins – detail explanation of the process selection and 20 mins – discussion) ENV
WP3 Leaching – TECNALIA process updates (updates from M18 to M24) TECNALIA
Break, group picture  
WP3 Leaching and WP4 Separation – VUT process updates (updates from M18 to M24) VUT
WP4 Separation – VITO process (updates from M18 to M24) VITO
End of the day  
City walk and Dinner